Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Does the constitution of the united states prevent effective Essay
Does the constitution of the US forestall viable government - Essay Example Carl Friedrich (1965) correspondingly characterized constitution as an arrangement of effective, regularized limitations upon government exercises. Starting here of view, the key characteristic of a constitution is its announcement of individual rights, especially those held against the state. Unquestionably, a bill of rights at the current structure portions of practically totally composed constitutions, the primary Bill of Rights incorporated the ten corrections immediately attached to the American Constitution in 1791, covering such freedoms as opportunity of religion, discourse, the press, and the privilege of the individuals to carry weapons (Lloyd 2006). The second and fairly dismissed job of constitutions is as force maps, characterizing the structure of government. Constitutions articulate the pathways of intensity, depicting the methodology for settling on laws and arriving at choices. As Sartori (1994) astutely watches, the characterizing highlight of a constitution is this arrangement of an edge of government. A constitution without a revelation of rights is as yet a constitution, yet a report coming up short on a force map isn't a constitution. A constitution is in this way a type of political designing, to be made a decision about like some other development by how well it endures the trial of time. From this point of view, the United States variant, despite everything standing firm after over 200 years, is a triumph. Methods for revision are a significant segment of the protected engineering. Most constitutions are inflexible or at the end of the day, dug in, in this manner rendering them increasingly worthy to the different interests engaged with their development (Sartori 1994). An inflexible constitution offers the general advantage, much valued by dissidents, of consistency for those subject to it. A dug in constitution additionally restrains the harm should political adversaries get power, for except if they can clear the correction obstacle they too should comply with the qualities implanted in the settlement
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Inattendu Essays - Jewish Culture, Hebrew Calendar, Free Essays
Inattendu Essays - Jewish Culture, Hebrew Calendar, Free Essays Inattendu Inattendu Une certaine contortion dans le plancher causa aux planches de wafer se qui me signala lapproche de mama mre. Jouvris les yeux doucement laissant la lumire aveuglante accesser mes retinas tendis que je baillaient gracieusement and tirant les quatres extentions de mon corp. Avec elle, elle apportait un assortement dlectable de viandes completment satures avec de la sauce, se que jaimais appeler mon petit djeuner. Attackant la nourriture avec un apptie qui mtait avant inconnue, jaivais vite dvourer le repa qui mavais t donn avant daller saluer le rest de mama famille comme ils arrivaient la food aprs une priode de repos et rcupraton bien dserve. Regrettablement, bien qu ils taient bien reposs, personne navait lnrgie pour accepter mon offre qui tait de prendre lavantage dun si playmate matin dt pour prendre une marche relaxante atravre du voisinage. Pourtant, je dcida dy aller bien que seule et je suis parti standard mama fight qui se trouvait dans la porte arrire. Une fois dehors, je fus assault dun assortement dodeurs de nectars dlicieux qui vennait du jardin de mama mre. Mais, aprs avoir appris mama exercise du plusieurs expriences passes, je dcida de continuer mon chemin et daller pilgrim quelque standard dautre o jallais pouvoir courrir et jouer sans avoir a minquit des outcomes, le park. Le park tait situ peu prs trois alliances de mama maison et a me prennait environ cinq minutes pour my rendre. En chemin, je remarqua quelques enfants qui avait dcid de suivre mon model et de sortir pour jouir dans le soleil du matin en jouant la balle. standard de lodeur de gazon fraichement overthrow, tu pouvais presque goutter le sel vennant de leurs fronts reluisants de sueur et de leurs bras se qui tait le leur dpense outrageous dnrgy. Moin coordin dans child tat dilapid, lenfant le in addition to jeune et embonpoint lana la balle trop flank vers la classless, et elle roula jusque dans la mourn. Come basic courtoysie, je courrue rcuprer lobjet qui nous amusaient tant juste pour tre rencontr standard un cri aigu, suivi de la noirceure vide. Jouvris mes yeux laissant les rayons nuisibles acceder reprise une fois mes retinas. Inadequate de bouger, je cherchait de tous cts ssayant de trouver se qui me retenait, mais je trouva la place une flaque de sang cramoisi rouge qui expandait lentement. la mme rhythm je devenait de in addition to enplus froid et de in addition to en in addition to engourdi. Paniquan, jai ssay de fuir juste pour raliser reprise une fois que jtais dsempar et stable. Une odeur maladive de fer et de caoutchouc brul drivait doucement autour de mama tte tournant mon esctomac en un mlange dacides insuportable. Bientt, le jeune garon qui avait lanc la balle tait au-dessus de moi en larmes souhaitant que javais respect des deux cts avant de charger dans la regrets, et quil aurait pu faire quelque picked pour amiliorer la circumstance. En un moment, ses compagnions apparurent avec un adulte habill en sallopette pleine de peintures, peuttre child pre, qui sentait les cigarettes et qui cest agenouill a mon ct en flattant mes cheveux et en me rassurant que tout allait tre right, et que mama famille serait l bientt. a na pas pris beaucoup de temps avant que tous les garons furent en larmes vehicle ils se sentaient compltement responsable pour laccident et venait juste de raliser la gravit de la circumstance. Se home que quand jai vue lexpretion sur la figure de mama mre que je compris tel point laccident tait grave. C.tait un ragard dhorreur et dangoise mlang se qui tourna presque instantanment en stun et en tristess quand elle enleva sa fille de la scene. Jai vue mes amis de jeu retourner chez eux aprs avoir vue mama condition. Lentement, mama vision devin embrouill, et graduelment mes yeux fermairent coupant la lueur du soleil et mama vue de tout mes companies avant que mon coeur pompe pour la dernire fois. Maintenant en paix, je me sens mal pour les gens qui ont souffre cause de mama mort. Ce ntait pas le temps ou la faon wear jaurais du mourrir, mais a mama funrail, mama famille mama dit quils ne touveraient jamais un ami aussi faithful et point que moi, leur chien.Une certaine mutation dans le plancher causa aux planches de saltine se qui me signala lapproche de mama mre. Jouvris les yeux doucement laissant la lumire aveuglante accesser mes retinas tendis que je baillaient gracieusement and tirant les quatres extentions de mon corp. Avec elle, elle apportait un assortement dlectable de viandes completment satures
Monday, August 3, 2020
Native American Culture
Native American Culture Native American Culture HomeâºDescriptive PostsâºNative American Culture Descriptive PostsIntroductionNative American culture represents a unique mixture of transitions based on religious and racial characteristics of the geographical region. The concept of native culture views local tribes as mini societies with distinctive characteristics of their own. Native American culture has a significant impact on all spheres of social performance including personal relations and social responsibility inside and outside the native society. The aim of the research paper is to investigate that Native American culture involves unique customs and traditions, norms, values and behavior patterns established by the generations of people and descendents.Discussion sectionNative American culture can be described as a unique mixture of religious traditions and values. Native intuitive religious beliefs relate to all aspects of life among Native Americans. It also has a major impact on their thinking and a way of life. To gain access to this godly reality there are many rules to follow for a Native American. Religion becomes part of a daily life, and a visitor to the world who shows respect for the Native American belief will gain a favorable reception almost everywhere. This means, among other things, refraining from modern social events and exposing any kind of images, such as religious symbols, statues and so on (Pritzker, 2000).The main features of the culture are unique clothing, social structure, housing and art. Music and art of Native Americans represents a blend of cultural traditions and modernity which affects greatly all spheres of life. Unique and outstanding symbols are reflected in pieces of art such as small figures, ceremonial masks and head dresses (appendix 1,2 ,3). These differences create a conflict between old and new cultural frames forcing many people to adapt to these changes. On the one hand, Native American culture reflects a unique faith and rituals followed by Native Americans fro thousands years. On the other hand, modernity creates a conflict between âalienâ cultural influences and technological, social and economic changes. For instance, an outstanding art of Iroquois is represented by Wampum. Using it, people wrote down thir historical tales and chronicled social events. The Pueblo, for instance, are famous for their dancing ceremonies. The kachina dances are based on unique religious traditions and secular knowledge of the society. The Navajos are famous for their sand paintings based on spiritual beliefs and unique cultural vision of reality.The culture of Native American tribes is closely connected with their geographical location. The location of the Umatilla, Walla Walla and Cayuse people contributed to the fact that these people were often go-betweens for the plains people and the other people. As for the Umatilla communities, these people show the tendency to trade posts for travelling Indian bands. As a result, many feasts and religious celebrations were held among all these people. The Umatilla are a Sahaptin-speaking Native American group is lives on Umatilla Indian Reservation. This tribe is known to be traditionally inhabited the Columbia Plateau region. (Umatilla (tribe). Also, there are a number of places and geographic features that can be prescribed to a particular tribe. One of these features is the tribe belonging to Umatilla River, Umatilla County, and Umatilla National Forest. As for McNary Dam, this person was almost named Umatilla Dam. Planning and Designing the Transfer Station The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation have been analyzed in the course of 10 years. At present, the north-eastern Oregon reservation has all rights to be considered a successful waste management system. This system exists with the aim to provide people with the enough opportunities to increase their wait time (Singletary, 1997).Agriculture, as part of national culture, was the ma in part of life. A strong impact of national culture can be explained by the fact that the traditions take place within the context of the geographical setting, and the effective social relations depend upon its culture and climate, morale and commitment of people. As for the tribal leaders these people first began to explore disposal alternatives. This measure has been taken during the 1980s. This fact was very important since it helped people to realize that the tribal landfill was filling up. In addition, people have all rights to realize that the existing landfill did not meet the new federal requirements. Many of these requirements are scheduled to go into effect in 1991. As a result of these changes many leaders considered an opportunity of building a new landfill or incinerator. This was largely so because tribal members did not manage to generate enough waste. This fact is very important since it can help people to justify whether they should use this or that options. In add ition, many tribes were known for recognizing the fact that they could not afford to purchase the large tract of land needed. This fact was very important since it helped people to install the required liner system, and maintain a new landfill. What people did instead was constructing a transfer station (Pritzker, 2000).The native music is monophonic. The main musical instruments, popular among Americans, are flutes, whistles, drums, rattles and guitar. Most of these issues reflect traditional patterns of beliefs and practice. In spite of great changes in social consciousness, religious traditions of Native Americans become a part of popular couture. Most of the stories include such symbols as cows and sacred places, spirituality and dharma. These facts show that century old traditions and values have not disappeared and still alive for many people. Their beliefs accelerate the cultural processes by transcending religious boundaries and bringing their messages and traditions to soci ety. Followers of Native traditions transmit their knowledge and traditions from one generation to another keeping in secret rituals and rites. Traditional patterns of beliefs and practice penetrate music and fine arts, literature and cuisine. In most case, old traditions and values represent a way of thinking followed by thousands of Native Americans. From childhood, people are influenced by cultural norms which limit the impact of globalization and westernization on their society (Singletary, 1997). It is possible to distinguish two levels of influence: social and individual. Social influences embrace culture, subculture and social class, while individual influences comprise the members of community more immediate social environment of reference groups and the family. Beliefs and religious rituals play a role in shaping the values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors of Native Americans. For instance, students âintegrated classical elements into folk musicâ and dancing trying t o keep traditions and authentic meaning of movements and rhythms. To some extent, this issue shows that the government and officials make great attempts to preserve unique cultural traditions and values of their nation (Oberg, 2003).Old norms and morality is in conflict with modernity because most of the modern values have been borrowed from other cultures and do not reflect native beliefs and rituals of Native American people. These facts vividly portray that Native Americans try to separate themselves form American community in all possible ways resisting cultural penetration of American values into their âsacredâ traditions. Native Americans call this phenomenon âculture clashâ explaining that this a reaction to the processes of integration in the world. Kootenai Indians are a unique population inhabited North Idaho, North Montana and North Colombia. Similar to other tribes, Kootenai suffer from national inequalities and discrimination, lack of government support and heal thcare services, etc. Kootenai Indians belong to Native North Americans who inhabited the lands mentioned above sine 18th century The clothing of this period vividly portrays traditions and national characters of tribes (appendix 4) (Pritzker, 2000).In Native American culture, women are usually not part of the entertainment scene. They carry on with their own social lives, and they are not involved in business with foreigners. Equality of women is a negligible value in Native American culture. The core of Native American culture is language. The desire to maintain both the Native Americans and the Islamic identity is prominent not only in political circles, but also among Native American people). Most members of this society perceive European and American traditions as âanotherâ social orders and rules which exist outside their culture. To some extent, Indian culture includes both conscious and unconscious religious beliefs and practices, the combination of religion traditions and distinct social rules (Oberg, 2003). Rule of separation and faith play an important role in social activities, because it is the things that people think, it is the things they believe in, it is the things that motivate them; it is the things that make them what they are. The conflict occurs because unique ideology of Native American culture and other religions closely connected with social rules and faith and prevents outside influences. Indigen?us people represent a unique c?mbinati?n ?f historical,, cultural, p?litical, religious and diverse national influences. Understanding ?f the land and the traditi?ns shaped American culture brining unique beliefs and aspirati?ns f?ll?wed and shared by native people. This survival ?f a link between spirituality and ethnic identity helps t? understand the way Americans tend t? think and act (Hapiuk, 2001).Another unique culture feature is tribal structure. Strict social differentiation is typical for the Native Americans. The traditional model of classes is meant to separate the society such that each class is expected to conform to its own societal model: a culturally approved pattern of behavior. The Native American class structure, however, does not separate people as much in behavior as in power, prestige and esteem. A Native American class signifies the cultural status of a family and, in extension, historically a tribe. An individuals status, even his or her identity, is based on this social system. Such cultural status should not be confused with legal status, even if there may be relations. In the Native American type of culture, people are born into extended families or clans (Singletary, 1997). Children are socialized in this kind of family structure and become closely identified with family and kin. Among the Native Americans, there is a deep commitment to family honor, loyalties and responsibilities. This tribal-based social structure is also very rigid in Native American culture. Friendship is determ ined by social relationships and mainly locals (not cosmopolitans) will be found in influential positions. However, in order for this to work, the social structure must be very stable. One consequence is common, that is, privileges are unevenly distributed; Native Americans live in a collectivistic culture, but it is not egalitarian. It may even be that ordinary citizens are considered incompetent versus the authorities and that there is a pessimism about the ability to control politicians decisions. Also, if differences develop between peoples values and the social order, this may lead to pressure toward an even stronger social order (fundamentalism), rarely towards more individualism. There is more emotional resistance to change in the Native American type of culture and problem-solving procedures follow precedent or adapt old procedures to new situations (Oswalt, 2000).ConclusionIn modern mass media, the main issues discussed in fiction and news reporting concern the role and imp act of globalization and technological revolution on old traditions, changing values and views of people. Many reporters and authors describe that religion and popular culture interact in television and mass market novels, entertainment and film industry. For instance, Indian sacred celebrations are nothing more than a direct impact of old traditions on popular culture. The main stories include art, religion, holidays, celebrations, new treatment methods, food, etc. Most of news reporting and fiction emphasize the importance of century old traditions and religion for contemporary generations who see national traditions and values as things of the past. Departure from tradition is generally presumed to be bad until proved otherwise. Native American culture is a clear example of where modernization is not the same as Westernization. American themes are not, in general, good sales arguments among the Native American people. The value pattern in traditional societies also sets a limit to technology transfer possibilities. Native Americans are very proud: they are proud of their culture, people and achievements. They expect others to pay respect to what they are and what they have done. Nothing will motivate a Native American more than giving him pride.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Discipline Models Of The Assertive Discipline Model
3. Using the discipline models presented in this chapter, which one or combination of models best fits your personality and your own belief about discipline? Explain why this is so. I believe I would use a combination of two discipline models, assertive and positive. I would utilize all five steps of the assertive discipline model, yet modifying it a bit. Additionally,I would use certain aspects of Positive Discipline Model. Assertive Model Step 1: Develop Positive Student ââ¬âTeacher Relationship Step 2: Set Clear Rules and Expectations Step 3: Monitor and Rack Inappropriate Behaviors Step 4: Use Punishment When Rules Are Broken Step 5: Use Rewards for Appropriate Behaviors Step 5: Get The Parents on Side I would also use positive model steps 1, checking frequently, especially at the beginning of the year, that students know what is expected of them after setting clear rules and expectation. I would modify the assertive model once again by using positive model step two, exploring between sets three and four of the assertive model. I believe students learn from making independent decisions, some of which may lead to mistakes. Mistakes can be a learning experience and are ok. I would also use positive model step 4, celebrating studentââ¬â¢s positive actions and decisions between assertive model steps 4 and 5. Positive reinforcement would be a reward system I would go to first and use most frequently. Finally, I would adopt positive model step 5, respecting students. IShow MoreRelatedEssay about Parafossionalism1161 Words à |à 5 PagesNAJMA KASSIM September 27, 2014 EDU 450 Mr. Hensley EDU-450 Classroom Management Models Harry Wongââ¬â¢s Effective Classroom Strengths: This model has very clear set of rules such as what to say and goals to keep in order for the teacher to be successful in her teaching. Weaknesses: This model I believe has more focus on the success of the teacher rather than the needs of the students. Quotes: ââ¬Å"The single greatest effect on student achievement is not race, it is not poverty ââ¬â it isRead MoreThe Impact Of Ecological Classroom Management On The Classroom1341 Words à |à 6 Pagesgeneration of children canââ¬â¢t be controlled and I would never be a teacherâ⬠. This may be true, but as the ecological classroom management models show us that there are ways to create effective management in the classroom while keeping students engaged and interested. In todayââ¬â¢s society, there is a need for increased discipline in the classroom. Having discipline in the classroom and using it appropriately is like having a tool box in your shed. You have all sorts of tools in your tool box, but youRead MoreManaging Challenging Behaviors Within Classroom Management976 Words à |à 4 Pagesproblems in education today. Conte (1994, p.308) mentioned, If teachers, administrators, parents, and students acknowledge that the lack of discipline is a serious concern and interferes with the teaching-learning process, one would think that steps would be taken to remedy the problem.â⬠Today s classrooms are more complicated than in the past. Discipline is now known as classroom behaviour management where new dimensions to classroom management are used with the inclusion, bilingual classes, andRead MorePerkins Shannon Lee ESH202 AT1 Essay1922 Words à |à 8 Pageseffective in their role they need to have in place different models of behaviour mana gement. Behaviour management is important not only for the teacher to be able to teach but also so that all students are in an environment that they can learn and feel safe (Cope, 2005). There are three main theories when it comes to discipline and behaviour they are Management Theories, Leadership Theories and Non-directive Intervention Theories. 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They are Canterââ¬â¢s Behavior Management Cycle, Win-Win Discipline, Morrishââ¬â¢s Real Discipline, Wongââ¬â¢s Pragmatic Classroom Discipline and William Glasserââ¬â¢s Discipline Guided by Choice Theory. The Canters take an assertive discipline approach when it comes to behavior management. ââ¬Å"Assertive discipline is a systematic and objective way of ensuring a teacher controlled classroomâ⬠(Charles, 2008). Lee Canter and his wife foundedRead MoreCanter Case Study1431 Words à |à 6 Pageskey to Assertive Discipline,â⬠he stated, ââ¬Å"is catching students being good: recognizing and supporting them when they behave appropriately and letting them know you like it, day in and day outâ⬠(Canter). Canterââ¬â¢s Assertive Discipline and Behavior Management Cycle First and foremost, Canter stresses that teachers must have an effective discipline plan in place from day one, instead of deciding what to do when disciplinary action suddenly becomes necessary. His suggestion for an assertive disciplineRead More Education Philosophy Essay1188 Words à |à 5 Pagesthat he could see potential in me. He taught me about the low percentile of male teachers in the early grades and the rising tide of single parent families. Mr. Schaffer inspired me to go into early education (K-6) so I could become a positive role model for the Students. He also taught me that itââ¬â¢s important to never pigeon hole a student and to never give up on any student. My classroom will have the look and feel of a progressive classroom. However, it will function like an essentialistRead MoreClassroom Management And Organization Strategies Essay1191 Words à |à 5 Pagestheorists have contributed to developing effective models designed to assist teachers in their daily efforts to promote student learning. Per Hardin, students that were in well-organized classrooms demonstrated improvements in their academics (2012). In these instances, the teacher could evaluate their student s needs by understanding procedures that improved student motivation, enveloped the community, and effectively used Assertive Discipline. Furthermore, teacher collaboration sharing bestRead MoreClassroom Management Reflection Paper946 Words à |à 4 Pagesreinforcement system was operating in the classroom based on table points. This system was based on a behavioural perspective, whereby expectations were set and behavioural or academic compliance was rewarded. This m ethod is most similar to the assertive discipline outline by Lyons et al. (2014). The use of this token reinforcement system is recommended for motivating disinterested students, encourage students with poor academic outcomes, or to deal with a class with challenging behaviours (Woolfolk
Monday, May 11, 2020
Critically Examine the Geopolitics of Humanitarian Aid...
Critically examine the geopolitics of humanitarian aid within the 21st century. How have responses to famine changed over time and what are the key challenges to famine prevention today? Geopolitics have played a huge role in humanitarian aid in the current century. Because humanitarian aid is largely sponsored by western countries it poses a huge problem in the form of a ââ¬Å"parochial form of theorizing1 that supports the interests of the richest countries of the world. For the purpose of this essay I will begin by examining the problems that have arisen in the most recent years of humanitarian aid assistance. This arises from conditional aid, whereby donor countries or organizations impose conditions in order for recipient countries toâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In cases such as Iraq and Afghanistan the United States military assumed a huge role for the distribution of disaster and humanitarian assistance alongside their military objectives. If foreign militaries are carrying out humanitarian aid alongside military objectives, then there is no way that aid can be supplied to whoever is in need in ways that are impartial, neutral and independent. This new syst em whereby foreign militaries are responsible for supplying aid has created huge security problems for not only the military, but for the people who are receiving aid. Opposing factions to foreign military time and time again in Afghanistan and Iraq have targeted civilians receiving aid to further their own agenda. 7 These are the problems that exist in the humanitarian aid industry today, but these problems have developed over a course of many years and responses to famine and humanitarian disasters have evolved over time. Thirty years ago disaster relief and humanitarian aid were not considered to be of huge significance on a geopolitical scale. During the 70ââ¬â¢s and 80ââ¬â¢s although humanitarian crisis existed, the geopolitics was more focused on the cold war and respecting the sovereignty of nation states. Although crisis in Africa, East Pakistan and Guatemala (to name a few) were made aware
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Black Cat Discussion Questions Free Essays
1. From what point of view is Poeââ¬â¢s story told and why is this view particularly effective for this story? The story is being told from a first person narrative point of view. Poe chooses the first person narration to give the reader a better level of understanding of the characters emotion, mental state and setting the plot for the story. We will write a custom essay sample on Black Cat Discussion Questions or any similar topic only for you Order Now With the narratorââ¬â¢s sick and twisted mind, the story becomes more interesting. The most important effect the narrator portrays is his mental state. Without his narration you cannot get the full effect of this murderous madman. The glee at my heart was too strong to be restrained. I burned to say if but one word, by way of triumph, and to render doubly sure their assurance of my guiltlessnessâ⬠(7). The narrator has no remorse or guilt for killing his wife. For the narrator to say guiltlessness just goes to show how crazy he really became. A normal healthy person would never commit such an act nor have any remorse. 2. Explain how the reader knows the narrator is an unreliable narrator? The narratorââ¬â¢s opinions and actions are so far from normal that you are forced to wonder what is the real interpretation and reality of a madman. Insanity and unstableness are very unreliable sources. How do you know what to believe or if there is any truth behind what they say? ââ¬Å"Mad indeed would I be to expect it, in a case where my very senses reject their own evidenceâ⬠(1). Using the word expect, is like he is already setting up the reader not to believe what he is going to say. The narrator blames the alcohol for his erratic and violent behavior. How reliable can one be if he blames his actions on drinking? You are your own person and make your own choice regardless of alcohol. Yes, alcohol can be mined altering, but you still no the difference between right and wrong. 3. The murderer takes great precautions to commit the perfect crime. What trips him up? Explain. The narrator makes you believe he has committed the perfect murder. He assures the reader that no one can tell the difference in the wall. How the plaster matched perfectly and the bricks look as they had never been dissembled. He is so sure of his work that he believes the police will not even look at him as a suspect. ââ¬Å"The second and the third day passed, and still my tormentor came not. Once again I breathed as a freemanâ⬠(6). When the police come back for the fourth time, the narrator speaks about how strong the wall are and making comments. Then he starts hearing the cat that he buried with his wife in the wall. The main cause for the narratorââ¬â¢s trip was his guilt and vein he carried. Nothing ever turns out perfect as planned. Works Cited Poe, Edgar Allan. The Black Cat. N. p. : n. p. , n. d. 7. Print. Poe, Edgar Allan. The Black Cat. N. p. : n. p. , n. d. 1. Print. Poe, Edgar Allan. The Black Cat. N. p. : n. p. , n. d. 6. Print. How to cite Black Cat Discussion Questions, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Structure Of The Un Essays - International Relations, United Nations
Structure Of The Un The League of Nations was a world organization established in 1920 to promote international cooperation and peace. It was first proposed in 1918 by President Woodrow Wilson, although the United States never joined the League. The league was essentially powerless and it was officially dissolved in 1946. This former international organization was formed after World War I to promote international peace and security. The basis of the League, the Covenant, was written into the Treaty of Versailles and other peace treaties and provided for an assembly, a council, and a secretariat. A system of colonial mandates was also set up. The U.S., which failed to ratify the Treaty of Versailles, never became a member. Based in Geneva, the League proved useful in settling minor international disputes, but was unable to stop aggression by major powers. For example Japan's occupation of Manchuria (1931), Italy's conquest of Ethiopia (1935-36), and Germany's seizure of Austria (1938). It collapsed early in World War II and dissolved itself in 1946. The League established the first pattern of permanent international organization and served as a model for its successor, the United Nations. The UN an international organization composed of most of the countries of the world was founded in 1945 to promote peace, security, and economic development. This international organization was established immediately after World War II to maintain international peace and security and to achieve cooperation in solving international economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian problems. It replaced the League of Nations. The name was coined by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1941 to describe the countries fighting against the Axis powers in World War II. It was first used officially on January 1, 1942 when 26 states joined in the Declaration by the United Nations, pledging to continue their joint war effort and to make peace. The UN Charter, the organization's governing treaty, was drawn up in 1945 at a conference held in San Francisco. T he principal organs, as specified in the Charter, are the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice, and the Secretariat. The Secretariat, with the secretary general at its head, handles all administrative functions. Trygve Lie, the UN's first secretary general, was succeeded by Dag Hammarskj?ld, U Thant, Kurt Waldheim, Javier P?rez de Cu?llar, and Boutros Boutros-Ghali. In 1945 there were 51 members; there are now 185. The UN has been very effective in keeping peace. Some early UN peacekeeping efforts included the establishment of armed forces to repel (1950) the North Korean attack on South Korea, the mobilization of troops and peacekeeping forces for the Congo, Cyprus, and the Middle East. The UN has prospered as a forum for debate intended to defuse international conflict, and it has worked to aid economic and technological development in developing nations. With the end of the cold war, the UN has become increasingly important to preserving and restoring international peace, most notably in Kuwait, with the authorization of the use of force against Iraq after its invasion, and Mozambique but less successfully in Cambodia, Bosnia, and Somalia. As the demand for peacekeeping forces has increased, however, the funds to pay for them have become harder to raise, and nations have not always been willing to contribute troops, particularly if the risks are high. The UN has been generally effective in keeping peace worldwide but it could be more effective. The UN would need to make changes in its constitution and in structure. A former problem with the UN was the abuse of the veto power by the former Soviet Republic. Another problem with the UN is countries look to better themselves rather than the worldwide community, and this causes countries to vote in blocks. There are three main blocks. The first is the communist block, the second is the western block, and the third is the third World or the Afro-Asian block. A third problem is member nations boycotting the UN. This is where a member nation pulls it ambassador from the general assembly in protest to a resolution. The problem of veto abuse is no longer a major issue for the UN because the have a veto over-ride when a proposal that
Saturday, March 21, 2020
How to Get Your Finances On Track in 2017
How to Get Your Finances On Track in 2017 Feeling like thereââ¬â¢s never enough money or time? Want to get healthy or plan for the future? Try these steps to take charge of your life and build some real progress in the new year, while lowering your taxes so youââ¬â¢ll have more of your hard-earned fruits to enjoy for all that labor. 1. Spend money to make moneyGetting professional help to lose weight or quit smoking can pay off in the long run. So can soliciting proper legal advice on contracts and finances. So can giving to charity. All of these things are often tax-deductible ways to make your money work for you- and help you to grow. Oh, and shell out for a tax pro to help you out come tax time, too.2. Get organizedTrack your travel miles, your donations, and your time, and keep a clear log in an easy-to-remember place for tax time. Youââ¬â¢ll be glad you did. Remember to keep your receipts so you can itemize. As intensive as it sounds, it can be worth the effort.The next time you see anything that might be relev ant to end-of-year tax prep, start gathering it together in dedicated envelopes. That way you wonââ¬â¢t be digging around for things at the 11th hour.3. Plan your financial planningLook at your stock portfolio and your retirement accounts (if you have ââ¬Ëem!) and make sure youââ¬â¢ve got everything in order. Are you making all the smartest bets? And if you donââ¬â¢t have an IRA consider getting one; youââ¬â¢ll have until April 18à to fund it, and you can deduct it on your 2015 taxes.4. Optimize your givingWhether to charity or to yourself, giving will get you there faster and keep your tax bill down in the process. You can do your part and beef up your savings in the process.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
An Interesting Coming of Age Ritual in Germany
An Interesting Coming of Age Ritual in Germany This weekend my soon to be 14-year-old son took part in a ceremony that I had known only from my knowledge about the German Democratic Republic (GDR), the Jugendfeier also known as Jugendweihe.à A quick history of this coming of age ritual It marks the coming of age of the participants with a memorable celebration and it thought as an alternative to religious initiations like the Kommunion and Firmung (Catholic Church) or Konfirmation (Protestant Church) where children declare that they choose to be self-declared members of these churches. While the concept is from 1852, the Jugendweihe was adopted in 1954 by the socialist GDR and turned into a ritual where the young had to make an oath (scroll to the end of this article to find the oath with translation into English) in favor of the socialist state. The Jugendfeier nowadays does not require the participants to make any vow or swear an oath. The only tradition that has survived the GDR is that they all get a rose and a book with thought provoking texts about becoming an adult.à You can read a bit more about this event that still is popular among former inhabitants of the GDR or their descendants here on Wikipedia. From a fathers experience We took part in this event due to the fact that my son Simon goes to a school in the Eastern part of Berlin with many parents that still seem to feel some (N)Ostalgyà and brought this topic up in class. As 20 out of 28 classmates of Simon wanted to participate in it, we didnââ¬â¢t want him to stand out and asked him whether heââ¬â¢d like to participate or not. At that age it is important for him to be part of the group and so he decided for it.à As I was born in Western Germany and had gone through a rather Catholic education and initiation I didnââ¬â¢t have any idea what to expect but neither had I any rejection of that idea nor was I much excited about it. I took Simon to parachute jumping last year which we inofficially declared to mark his transition into an adolescent. His mother, originating from Poland, another formerly socialist country, didnââ¬â¢t really know the Jugendweihe either but we were on the same track regarding our participation. Its seems still pretty popular The fact that we had to register for the event in 2013, almost 18 months ahead of time, shows how popular it still is. There were also several seminars planned that would cover certain topics of adolescence and start a thought process in the children about who they wanted to be and become. Many of those seminars where also thought to be lead or at least organized by the parents. But this task seemed to be more difficult than many had hoped. In those months until the Jugendweihe, Simon took part probably in two events and I didnââ¬â¢t really get the impression that he took much from it. In socialist times, those preparations would have been organized by the state and would have included quite some propaganda.à Its not the ritual, its what you make of it Iââ¬â¢m not blaming others. I understand that our lack of deeper interest and conviction in the sense of such an initiation also had a huge influence on everything. Another parent with more enthusiasm would have described this experience probably quite differently.à When the great day came, we were invited with approximately 2000 other people to meet at the Friedrichstadtpalast, a revue theater in the evening. There the Humanistischer Verband Deutschlands (HVD, Humanistic Organisation of Germany) had organized quite a show with professional dancers and singers and has managed to get some popular entertainers like e.g. Joko Winterscheidt or actress Anna Loos to leave a few encouraging words to the children. My interim conclusion Parts of it I personally found a bit over the top and it all was a bit surprising as neither of us really knew what to expect of that day. On the other hand it was mainly entertaining and short enough to enjoy it and the message for the young participants was to trust in themselves, to question authority and to understand that with growing up they will be confronted with new rights and obligations in their life. I canââ¬â¢t really object to that, can you? The rest of the day As everything started at 8.30h on Saturday morning, we were home by noon and both families (my sonââ¬â¢s mother remarried a while ago and has two little adorable daughters today) had a nice brunchà in a cafà © next door and then just enjoyed the rest of the day with my half of the family. A unique experience I am very thankful to have been able to witness this event. In a way it was inpiring, though I would have also enjoyed a more humble approach to it all. Coming of age is a challenge for all members of the family and I would have integrated the parents and siblings way more into the preparation. But as I donââ¬â¢t expect others to take care of my responsibilities, my overall experience was a positive one. I hope you enjoyed this little insight into the German culture and I would like to know what you do in your culture to mark the coming of age of your children. If you are religious: do you consider the existing religious rituals to also cover the coming of age or is it rather focussing on being a more responsible member of your church/religion? Das à ¶ffentliche Gelà ¶bnisà The public oath of the GDR Jugendweihe (not in use nowadays) (as found first on this pageà which also contains many more information on the topic of GDR but unfortunately only in German language.)à My translation is at times very literally so that you can also learn something about the German sentence structure and grammar here. Where a literal translation would be difficult or impossible to understand, I have put a more comprehensible version into parenthesis. Liebe junge Freunde!Dear young friends. Seid ihr bereit, als junge Bà ¼rger unserer Deutschen Demokratischen Republikare you ready as young citizens of-our German Democratic Republic mit uns gemeinsam, getreu der Verfassung,à with us together, according the constitution fà ¼r die große und edle Sache des Sozialismus zu arbeiten und zu kmpfenfor the big(ger) and noble cause of-the Socialism to work and to fight und das revolutionre Erbe des Volkes in Ehren zu halten, so antwortet:à and (to keep) the revolutionary heritage of-the Nation in honor to keep, so answer: Ja, das geloben wir!Yes, this-is-what we pledge! Seid ihr bereit, als treue Sà ¶hne und Tà ¶chterà Are you prepared, as faithful sons and daughters unseres Arbeiter-und-Bauern-Staates nach hoher Bildungof-our workers- and peasant nation (to strive) for higher education und Kultur zu streben, Meister eures Fachs zu werden,à and culture (to strive), (to become) Master of-your (professional) discipline, unentwegt zu lernen und all euer Wissen und Kà ¶nnen fà ¼r die Verwirklichungà incessantly to learn and all (to utilise) your knowledge and skill for the realizationà unserer großen humanistischen Ideale einzusetzen, so antwortet:à of-our grand humanistic ideals (to utilise), so answer: Ja, das geloben wir!Yes, this-is-what we pledge! Seid ihr bereit, als wà ¼rdige Mitglieder der sozialistischen Gemeinschaftà Are you ready, as worthy members of-the socialist community stets in kameradschaftlicher Zusammenarbeit, gegenseitiger Achtungà always (act) in companionate cooperation, mutual respect und Hilfe zu handeln und euren Weg zum persà ¶nlichen Glà ¼ckand help (to act) and (to always unite) your path to personal fulfillment immer mit dem Kampf fà ¼r das Glà ¼ck des Volkes zu vereinen, so antwortet:à (always) with the struggle for happiness of the nation (lit.: the people), so answer: Ja, das geloben wir!Yes, this-is-what we pledge! Seid ihr bereit, als wahre Patrioten die feste Freundschaft mit der Sowjetunionà Are you prepared as true patriots, the steadfast friendship with the Sovjet Union weiter zu vertiefen, den Bruderbund mit den sozialistischen Lndern zu strken,à further to deepen, the brotherly association with the socialist countries to strengthen, im Geiste des proletarischen Internationalismus zu kmpfen,à in-the spirit of-the proletarian internationalism to fight, den Frieden zu schà ¼tzen und den Sozialismus gegen jeden imperialistischen Angriffthe peace to protect and the socialism against every imperialistic attack zu verteidigen, so antwortet:à to defend, so answer: Ja, das geloben wir!Yes, this-is-what we pledge! Wir haben euer Gelà ¶bnis vernommen.à We have heard (lit.: perceived) your pledge. Ihr habt euch ein hohes und edles Ziel gesetzt.à You have (set) yourselves a high and noble goal (set). Feierlich nehmen wir euch auf in die große Gemeinschaftà Solemnly take we you in, into the grand collective des werkttigen Volkes, das unter Fà ¼hrung der Arbeiterklasseà of-the working nation, that under the leadership of the working class und ihrer revolutionren Partei, einig im Willen und im Handeln,à and her revolutionary party, united in will (intention) and acting die entwickelte sozialistische Gesellschaftà (errects) the developed socialist community in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik errichtet.in the German Democratic Republic (errects). Wir à ¼bertragen euch eine hohe Verantwortung.à We transfer to-you a huge responsibility. Jederzeit werden wir euch mit Rat und Tat helfen,à At-any-time will we (help) you with advice and deed (help), die sozialistische Zukunft schà ¶pferisch zu gestalten.(to design) the socialist future creatively (to design).
Monday, February 17, 2020
Finance,measurement.procurement in construction Coursework
Finance,measurement.procurement in construction - Coursework Example on boards on the listed contractors, which will indicate the projects they have accomplished, and the experience in terms of duration of engagement in similar projects. During the invitation to bid, contractors are provided with the questionnaires to fill in information relating to business details, technical competence and ability, financial ability to accomplish the project depending on the value, environmental issues, insurance cover and previous work experience to accomplish similar scope of work. The potential contractors will fill in these details and provide information from their perspective and records as to the expected potential to accomplish the project. As the consultant for the client, I will be able to verify the information provided by the contractors after reading through their respective questionnaires. Financial position of the contracting firm will be revealed from the bank statements while the existence of the business can be found from the list of registration of such companies. Technical ability of the contracting firm is revealed by inspection of their equipment and machinery for the intended work. Representatives do the inspection from the consultants firm visiting the premises of the bidders while listed assets of the contractor can also provide such information. UEL project for L & H is to provide procurement services require high technical ability as well as financial strength. Based on these requirements, the most effective tendering procedure would be restricted tender. Capable contractors can be identified then invited to bid for the works (Amos 2004). Through this process, they will be able to find bids only from contractors with the technical ability, financial backing and previous work experience to successfully accomplish and deliver the works according to the scope of work. The construction of the subway requires technical knowledge and the necessary machine for excavation and setting of the three rail lines required as well
Monday, February 3, 2020
Athics and governemance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Athics and governemance - Essay Example We have many examples in the business and corporate world where organizations that have not acted morally and that had lead to their downfall, the biggest and the most recent example that comes to mind is that of Enron where financial data was manipulated to the advantage of those running the business and that lead to the downfall of the multi-billion dollar company, there are many lessons to be learned from Enron, it does not matter how big or how small a company is, it should act in a morally correct manner without worrying about the consequences and it should do so because it is the right thing to do more than anything else. There is no room for companies in todayââ¬â¢s day and age that are morally off the compass because the amount of information that can be shared today, the mediums that it can be shared by and the speed at which it can be shared at have all tremendously increased due to advances in technology. Businesses that operates in a manner that is morally correct beca use it is the right thing to do would also generate a lot of business because of this code of ethics, because customers do not like to be cheated upon, they would rather buy from a company which sells at a higher price but is doing the right thing rather than from a company which prices its goods lower but that is due to morally corrupt reasons and customer loyalty is very important to businesses these days because repeat purchases is what every business aims to do achieve. Though repeat purchases would be gained from this moral attitude this should not be aim of the businesses under the Kantian approach, businesses should be morally correct in their dealings because it is the right thing to do and not because it would enable them to achieve repeat purchases, it should be only looked upon as a by-product of this approach to ethics. This approach is very right theoretically but it is human nature to find
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Mental Health Of Older People Social Work Essay
Mental Health Of Older People Social Work Essay Promoting the mental health of older people is becoming an activity of increasing importance. In the incoming decades, there will be an increasing the number of older people. There will be fewer young people and young adults. In the year 2050, 30 percent of the people will be older than 65 years of age, while 11 percent of the people will be 80 years old and above. The word old age has no agreed upon definition. In most countries, people retire at an age of 60 to 65 years. This is considered the age when one becomes an older person. According to the European commission, there are three age groups that older people can be divided into. The first group is older workers from the age of 55 to 64. The second group is older people from the age of 65 to 79 years while the third group is 80 years and above. These older age groups are the most diverse in terms of education, attitudes, family background, social background, hobbies, preferences and political attachments. Mental health in later life models and issues There are six main factors that influence mental health. These are financial security, life span experiences, structural factors such as housing, employment, social support and individual coping skills. The mental health of older people as well as their well-being issues in older people are unique and have a greater relevance to them. Retirement is an issue that has great relevance to people who are 60 to 80 years age. As much as it means relief from responsibilities, retirement also mean a loss of status, less social relationships and a reduced role in life. This age group also suffers from health and physical deterioration, changing the environment from moving their home, loss of financial stability and a loss of sense of belonging. People who are 80 years and above increasingly lose their friends, family members and spouses. They use their sense of purpose in life and their functional ability deteriorates. These people constantly deal with bereavement, death and the fact that their own life is ending. Not all of those older people are the same. They have different values, life experiences, health, economic status and culture. When planning the promotion of the mental health for older people, all of these factors should be put into consideration. Continuity through the life course A persons continuity through life gives them a positive history filled with experiences. This continuity gives a person a set of values that guides their behaviour. When working with older people who have mental health needs, the strategies used should have a psychosocial and sociological perspective that can support the older people during their transition. Much of the work with older people relies on the continuity through their life. Every person has an internal and external self. In order for one to have a happy and successful old age, one needs to be supported in managing their life with a certain general framework. When it comes to the internal self, people should be allowed to make decisions like they have always done it, maintain their integrity and their self esteem. In the external self, people need to reciprocal relationships, continue in positive roles, preserve social support and compensate for mental and physical losses. Disruption of the internal and external elements is likely to heighten the unhappiness and poor self images of people. Having links in the past, being meaningfully active, feeling embedded within society and having the ability to continue living a life that coincides with ones personal beliefs can all contribute to living a successful and happy old age. No underestimation should be made when it comes to the significance of having social relationships and maintaining good mental health for the older people. Important factors that can prevent the risk of depression and social isolation in older people are intimate relationships, reciprocal relationships, quality of ties and the presence of a confidante. These factors should be available both at the community and in care homes. Ageism In society today, there exists a negative and depreciating attitude towards older people. While ageism affects all age groups, it is found to be more profound with older people. Ageism exists in politics, consumerism, media, voluntary life, crime, design, civic life and many other area of life. Age discrimination is an abuse of human rights that causes personal hardship and suffering and economic and cultural problems. It is therefore necessary for politicians to ensure that a change in human rights is implemented for the sake of older people. There must be no tolerance whatsoever to any kind of discrimination. In promoting mental health, it is especially important to ensure that age equality is promoted. Older people have the right to fully participate in the political, social, economic and cultural decision making processes of their societies. To promote respect and understanding between the young and older people, intergenerational activities can be used. Employees who serve the p ublic should also be trained and educated on how to respect and value the older people that they have direct contact with. In a recent survey carried out by (reference), it was found that 29 percent of people had suffered age discrimination when compared to other kinds of discrimination. This survey also found that by the age of 55 years, age discrimination was twice as likely to have been experiences as opposed to other forms of discrimination. Moreover, it is believed by 30 percent of people that there is more age discrimination today than there was five years ago, and this trend is likely to get worse. This survey also found out that the demographic shift towards a society with older people than younger people will make life worse in terms of education, security, health, living standards and jobs. In fact, one of the respondents from this surveys said that they viewed those who were 70 years old and above to be incapable and incompetent. On 1st October, 2006, a new law that was enforced by the Employment Equality Regulations came into effect in England, Scotland and Wales. This law protects people from age discrimination in employment, adult employment and training for people from all age groups. However, this new regulation does not provide protection from age discrimination in health care. It is therefore important for carers and social workers to describe their beliefs and values clearly and on a concise manner. Knowing ones values is an important guide while caring for the older people. To create a common shared vision between the carers and the social workers, it is important that an exercise to clarify their values be carried out. This practice will give the carers and social workers a shared vision and purpose. Promoting mental health and well being what might be involved in practice When working with older people, promoting their mental health should be seen as a part of everyday work and not as a special project. Since the older person might stay in the residential facility for a relatively short time, the activities dome to promote mental health should be both short term and long term. There are seven principles in promoting the mental health of oder people. The first principal is that the target group should be defined and how, when and where they can be reached is identified. The second principal is that the older people should be involved in developing a plan, implementing and evaluating the programmes and opportunities. The third principal is that the health and social needs for the older people should be addressed. The fourth principle is that the older people should be empowered and motivated to take initiatives to ensure their own health and wellbeing. The fifth principle is that barriers that affect the capacity of older people to participate in societ y should be identified. These barriers are social, economic and political in nature. After identifying these barriers, interventions should be done to overcome them. The sixth principle is that respect should be given to the independence and autonomy of older people. The last principle is that holistic and multi-faced interventions should be made to consider the mental, social and physical needs of older people. The relationship between these needs should also be considered. Several opportunities for involvement in activities that are meaningful for older people should be provided. Creative activities that older people can participate in are museums, arts, performances, libraries and other cultural events. The personal and social realisation of the older people can be fostered by lifelong learning programmes. Volunteering and community development initiative that older people can participate in can offer an additional form of beneficial participation. This participation will increase the mental health of the older person who is volunteering as well as the people receiving the services. Healthy lifestyle choices among older people should also be promoted. To have a good quality life, one must have good health. Having good physical health depends on a variety of factors. These factors include lifestyle, genetic makeup, choices, environmental factors and socioeconomic factors. Despite their daily activities being restricted by having a limiting long term illness, many older people consider themselves to be in good health. Adopting a healthy lifestyle can prevent or delay many of the chronic conditions that are found to affect people in their old age. A healthy lifestyle can be adopted by exercise, reducing alcohol intake, eating a balanced healthy diet and avoiding smoking. Aids and adaptations can be provided to help people keep mobile. Positive mental health can be promoted by providing encouragement, information and opportunities for older people to make healthy choices in their lifestyle. Physical actuivity and exercising opportunities should be provided. By exercising, a person has better physical health, increased psychological benefits, increased mental wellbeing and better functional ability. By engaging in different types of exercise, a person has different benefits to their mood, stress, self-esteem, sleep and alleviating or preventing the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Safe and healthy outdoor and indoor environments should be adopted for older peoples participation. An important measure in supporting the mental health in older people is enhancing their participation in the community. Older people should be enabled in engaging in the social activities at the wider community or at their residences. Ensuring the social participation of older people can be done by providing them with opportunities for participating in lifelong learning and political, cultural and economic decision making of their community. Secure and positive relationships that older people have with their relatives, friends or neighbours should be strengthened. These relationships are important because they contribute to good mental health of older people. The wellbeing of an older person can also be positively influenced by having a pet. Access to activities such as spiritual belief and faith communities should be ensured and recognised as important. The good mental health of older people is also ensured by having a satisfying sexual life. Poor mental health is risked when older people are isolated from society. For some older people, it is a positive experience for them to live alone because it means autonomy, self-support and independence for them. However, other people might find living alone to be a lonely experience especially if getting out of their home is difficult. Therefore, the community should organise befriending programmes that help older people in their everyday lives. Feelings of isolation and lonelin ess can be avoided by different kinds of clubs, social networks and recreation centres. Isolation can further be avoided by recognising the knowledge and skills contributed by older people and the provision of opportunities where the older people can share their skills with people from other age groups. Independent and safe living opportunities should be provided. Many older people want to live in their own homes for as long as they can because it provides them with feelings of autonomy band independence. These feelings can be enhanced by providing equipment that can facilitate mobility and communication in the support of smart home establishment solutions. Independent living can be enabled by providing domiciliary services such as home help, home adaptation assistance and providing adequate amenities through assistance with home improvements. Older people who have been victims of violence should be supported and any violence or abuse that affects older people should be tackled. In supporting them, the older people will be able to cope with the resulting psychological and physical ill effects. Appropriate social and health services should be provided. It is evident among older people that general health and mental health are strongly interrelated. Mental ill health is risked by poverty and poor physical health. It is therefore important that a social and health care system be provided. This care system will give easy access to psychiatric help, high quality primary and specialty health services, necessary social services, transport services and other benefits. To afford decent housing, travel, heating, occasional treats and social activities, older people want to have enough money. These activities help older people to fully participate in their families and communities. To maintain an increase in their income, older people should join individual retirement schemes that allows them to continue working even later in life. Mental well-being and carers Traditionally, it has been the role of some family members to provide care for older people at home. However, in this day and age, the social framework all over the world is changing. Caring for an older person, a person with disabilities and for a child in the family is a usual way of life even in the most developed information society-type society. In the European Union, millions of people are seen taking care of their partners or relatives. It is common to find that an elderly person is in charge of taking care of a frail older person. Nowadays, frail wives are taken care of by their husbands and vice versa. The experience of taking care of a spouse, child or a close friend is rewarding and mentally positive. The carer finds that their life has purpose and is more meaningful. On the other hand, being a care giver has psychological, financial, physical and social strains that may lead to feelings of loneliness and social isolation. Cares are at a high risk of developing psychological and physical ill health that shows that the carers need opportunities for respite and more effective social, financial and practical support. Those carers taking care of older people with dementia are likely to be burdened and have high levels of stress, depression and fatigue. Family caregivers should also be targeted when promoting mental health activities for older people to ensure that the carers needs are met as well. Conclusion We are all affected by wellbeing and mental health in later life. The reasons why we should pay attention to issues surrounding mental health in old age are economic, social and humanitarian in nature. Each one of us benefits from good mental health and wellbeing in later life because we are ensured that we will be able to lead long healthy lives that are fulfilling and enjoyable. Good mental health promotion for older people is a means by which we can maximise older peoples valuable contribution to economy and society. The costs that arise from poor mental health care are minimised at the same time. Social workers have been working for a long time with older people in promoting mental health. The mental social work profession is founded on the skills of mental social work. The work of social workers has been to stop disintegrating forces in families, individuals and social groups. Society needs the work done by social workers to continue because these disintegrating forces are still around us. A social worker is able to take up the challenge and help in promoting mental health in older people.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Maintaining A Healty Body
Maintaining A Healthy Body There are many different factors involved in maintaining a healthy body, such as; a balanced diet, regular exercise, staying hydrated, making sure you get the right vitamins and nutrients your body needs, getting enough sleep, taking prescribed medication properly, and avoiding drugs and alcohol. This essay is going to focus on how to maintain a healthy body when you are pregnant, for both the mother and the baby, through a healthy diet and lifestyle, and also the repercussions if these are not adhered to.A healthy, balanced diet is important for everyone to maintain a healthy body, but t is particularly important during pregnancy as it will keep you fit and healthy, as well as improving the growth and development of the baby. The ââ¬Ëeatwell plate' shows the four main food groups that are important when trying to eat well-balanced meals, as recommended by the Food Standard's Agency. We are advised to eat five portions (a minimum of 400g) of fruit and ve getables every day in order to get a good combination of the vitamins and minerals our bodies need.They are also a great source of fibre, needed to prevent constipation, and they contribute to reducing the risk of stroke, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. A third of the food that we eat should be made up of foods that are higher in carbohydrates and fibre. These are known as starchy foods and are essential because they digest slowly, giving us more energy and helping us to feel full for longer, making it less likely for us to over-eat.Dairy foods, such as, milk, cheese, and yoghurt are also important, especially in pregnant women, as they provide us with protein, essential for growth and repair, and calcium which keeps our bones strong and is vital for the development of the baby's bones and teeth. However, there are some dairy products that pregnant omen are advised to avoid as they could make you ill or harm the baby. Foods rich in protein, such as; fish, eggs, chicken and lean m eat are also necessary as part of a well-balanced diet.These provide us with essential vitamins and minerals, for example; iron and vitamin 812. Pregnant women are expected to eat two portions of fish each week, preferably oily fish such as salmon because they are rich in Omega-3, which assists in maintaining a healthy heart, and are also a good source of vitamin D. Pregnant women can get most of the vitamins and minerals they need by eating a healthy, balanced diet. However, women who suffer from morning sickness may find it difficult to eat the right amount of food necessary to obtain these. Therefore, they are recommended to take supplements.It is crucial to take folic acid during pregnancy as it assists in the prevention of neural tube defects, for example, spina bifida. Women are advised to take 400 micrograms of folic acid every day from when they are trying to conceive up until the twelfth week of pregnancy. Vitamin D is also important during pregnancy as it helps to regulate the amount of phosphate and calcium in the body. It is recommended that women take 10 micrograms of vitamin D aily, throughout the pregnancy and when they are breastfeeding in order to reduce the risk ot rickets disease, which can attect the development ot the baby's bones.Many pregnant women often feel lethargic and this is mainly due to an iron deficiency. This can be avoided by taking an iron supplement which has been proven to reduce anemia, and thus could possibly reduce the risk of other pregnancy complications, such as hemorrhaging. Zinc is another important supplement, proven to decrease the risk of premature birth, low birth weight and pre-eclampsia [3], which could be very dangerous as it may develop into eclampsia, causing the mother o have fits, threatening the survival of the mother and the baby. 4] Iodine supplementation is crucial during pregnancy, particularly in the first trimester as it is required for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, needed for the development of the baby's brain. A lack of iodine could lead to hypothyroxinemia in the mother and the foetus, which could potentially lead to the baby being born with brain damage or other neurological deficits. [5]. Although it is important to have a varied, balanced diet, there are some foods that pregnant women are advised to avoid as they can cause serious illness to the mother nd the baby. One of these is unpasteurized milk, or foods that contain it, such as soft cheese.These could carry listeria, which are a harmful bacteria that can survive at refrigerator temperatures and can cause listeriosis. Methylmercury is also very dangerous as it can be harmful to the developing nervous system of an unborn baby. This can be avoided by not eating large fish, such as swordfish and tile-fish, as they contain high levels of methylmercury. It is extremely important that pregnant women cook meat thoroughly, in order to prevent toxoplasmosis. This is caused by a harmful arasite called toxoplasma, found in raw or undercooked meat and also fruit and vegetables that have not been washed properly. 6] Exercise is extremely beneficial during pregnancy for a number of reasons. Core exercises that strengthen the abdominal, back and pelvic muscles will help to relieve back pain and should give women an advantage during labor as they will be physically prepared. Fatigue and difficulty sleeping are common problems among pregnant women. Those who exercise regularly claim to sleep better and have more energy during the day. Also, when we exercise our brains release endorphins, these re ââ¬Å"feel goodâ⬠hormones that help to improve your mood and decrease anxiety. 7] Smoking during pregnancy has serious implications for the mother and the baby. Smoking increases the risk of heart disease and stroke, but it causes additional health problems during pregnancy such as premature birth and miscarriage. It may also cause low birth weight, making the baby more prone to infections and could be f atal. It can cause the placenta to separate from the womb too early, cutting off the baby's source of food and oxygen and causing bleeding. [8] Drinking when pregnant seriously affects the unborn baby as it can stop the baby rom growing properly and affect brain development.This is because when the woman drinks, the alcohol passes through the placenta and enters the baby's bloodstream. [9] In conclusion, it is evident that women need to be extremely careful in all aspects of pregnancy. Their diet and lifestyle must be altered to benefit the mother and the unborn baby. It is crucial that pregnant women are made aware of the implications of not eating properly, eating the wrong foods, and not being strict about food hygiene, as all ot these could lead to serious illness in the mother and the baby, and in serious cases, could be life-threatening! http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/pages/healthy-pregnancy-diet.aspxhttp://www.nhs.uk/conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/pages/vitamins-minerals-supplements-pregnant.aspxhttp://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Pre-eclampsia/Pages/Introduction.aspxhttp://yalehealth.yale.edu/obstetricsprenatal-patientshttp://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/exercise-benefitshttps://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/maternalinfanthealth/tobaccousepregnancy/https://www.rcog.org.uk/en/patients/patient-leaflets/alcohol-and-pregnancy/
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Vital Pieces of Scientific Journal Article
Vital Pieces of Scientific Journal Article Science literatures have developed from time to time when it comes to specialization and target audience. Under the present model, the capacity of researchers to access scientific articles is dependent on their person or institution's financial capacity to cover such access, as opposed to by the needs or necessities of their research. Conducting scientific and clinical research is simply the start of the scholarship of discovery. Furthermore, academics are, generally, quite conscious of the limitations of students in various heights of their education. The Tried and True Method for Scientific Journal Article in Step by Step Detail To begin with, when you wish to write something, obviously, you should understand what you need to write by finding the topic. Because when you read something it will provide you information that could offer you inspiration and may be an idea for your topic. Many folks feel tense and are resistant once th e time arrives to begin writing. It's well worth writing your high effect start carefully and attempting to keep it punchy. The Benefits of Scientific Journal Article Therefore, scientific disciplinary literacy demands an extremely specific method of reading scientific texts. It is difficult to find the structure and it's tough to get the words. An all capital character and an automated numbering is going to be provided to the chapter heading. Cite frequently to be able to prevent any plagiarism. Revision of the text is typically done in a number of stages. Evidence should be placed in context, or qualified in Wikipedia articles, particularly for sources which should not be taken at face value. Revise as needed to create the text clearer. It will need to be edited for accuracy, which means you will need to add further information where it's necessary. Before you commence reading the full article, you should scan it for content first. For novice writers, it's really beneficial to find a reading mentor that can help you preread your submission. Every detail is important whether you would like to produce an excellent article summary in a due course. In the last area of the introduction, the intention of the article writing ought to be stated. Articles must obey the eOrganic Instructions for Authors. Whether this guide has an abstract, you can examine the information included in the guide and write your summary along similar lines. Review articles do not cover original research but instead synthesize the outcomes of several diverse articles on a specific topic into a coherent narrative about the condition of the art in that area. Out will pop the crucial arguments and ideas for the whole article for you to swiftly read through. Characteristics of Scientific Journal Article All Scientific Journals need to be somewhat specific with regard to publishing original, peer-reviewed, and superior excellent research works. All Science Journals need to be somewhat specific concerning publishing original, peer-reviewed, and superior high quality research works. Most journals are highly specialized, though some of the oldest journals like Nature publish articles and scientific papers across a wide variety of scientific fields. Scientific journals are a vital part of the scientific literature. The manuscript on-line submission can be looked at in the component of internet submission guidelinesbelow. Paper copies of selected information will unquestionably be required. You can see the abstracts at no cost. For this reason, you ought to carefully assess the trustworthiness of each journal article you consider using. 1 form is the on-line equivalent of the traditional paper journal. As soon as you finished scanning your article, you have to read it thoroughly next. The quantities of journal articles at least 50% of all of the references and published in the previous ten decades. In a couple of circumstances, some drugs have had their licence withdrawn because of significant security concerns. Caution readers that studies which do not have scientific consensus may not be reliable. The publication of the outcomes of research is a fundamental portion of the scientific method. The IJSPT seeks to give readership with current info to improve the custom of sports physical therapy. Clear communication of the findings of research is necessary to the rise and evolution of science3 and expert practice. For finding your subject, you merely will need to read. The very last sentences in The Introduction should state the potential contribution of the study to the present literature or the existent situation. Going right to the journals' websites can yield useful info, especially once you've done preliminary searches and have a better idea about what you are searching for in an area. So its means this section become the heart of the entire journal. It varies dramatically depending on the type of research done.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Main Cause Of The Civil War - 1611 Words
Kate Cancio U.S. History Period 5 10/23/15 Main Causes of the Civil War The Civil War effected the United States because of economic issues. The Tariff of Abominations was the name given to the Tariff of 1828 by insulted southerners who felt the expense on imports was intemperate and unreasonably focused on their area of the nation. The tax, which got to be law in the spring of 1828, set high obligations on merchandise imported into the United States, and it did make major financial issues for the South. Compounding an already painful situation, the law had been conceived to secure makers in the Northeast. As the South was not an assembling focus, it needed to either import completed merchandise from Europe (principally Britain) or purchase products made in the North. With a defensive duty basically making falsely high costs, the South was at a extreme drawback when purchasing items from either Northern or outside makers. The 1828 duty made a further aberrant issue for the South, as it lessened business with England, which thusly made it more troublesome for the English to manage the cost of cotton developed in the American South. Exceptional feeling about the Tariff of Abominations incited John C. Calhoun to namelessly compose papers putting forward his hypothesis of invalidation, in which states could overlook government laws. Calhoun s challenge against the government in the long run prompted the Nullification Crisis. Nonetheless, numerous specialists follow theShow MoreRelatedThe Main Cause Of The Civil War1907 Words à |à 8 PagesHistory P1 THE MAIN CAUSE OF THE CIVIL WAR The Civil War lasted four long years in the United States. There are two points of view on the topic slavery being a key factor in causing the war or were there alternative reasons. There were economic reasons for the Northern and Southern states not agreeing on seceding from the United States. Slavery could be considered a religious, economic, social and political issue. In my opinion, there were many factors leading up to the Civil War, however in myRead MoreThe Main Cause Of The American Civil War1047 Words à |à 5 Pagesone main cause of the American Civil war must be resolved, and while there are many ideas, history reveals that there was only one. There are many arguable motives to the start of the Civil War, but there are four main concepts. These four concepts were slavery, taxation, the election of Abraham Lincoln and lastly, struggling with power between the Northern and Southern states. To start with, the end of slavery is undoubtedly one of the most popular arguments to the creation of the Civil War. WhileRead MoreWas Slavery the Main Cause of the Civil War?822 Words à |à 4 PagesWas Slavery the Main Cause Of the Civil War? There were many things that led to the Civil War. They were slavery, politics, and state right versus the federal government, expansionism, sectionalism, and economics. Historians argue over what the main cause really was that led to the Civil War since no one can really say for sure what it was. Slavery was the main cause of the Civil War. One of the main causes of the Civil War was the argument over slavery. Though slavery was not the only reasonRead MoreEconomic Difference as the Main Cause of the Civil War774 Words à |à 4 PagesSlavery was merely one of the causes of the Civil War. Some historians argue that the political difference between the North and the South is a more influential cause of the Civil War while some insist that economic is the main cause. In fact, the political division between the North and the South was affected by the differences in the economic system of both. The North and the South had had different economic backgrounds that were established since the American colonial period. These economic differencesRead MoreEssay On The Causes Of The Civil War936 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Civil War, a groundbreaking war, between the Union and Confederacy was a war of uncompromising disagreements. The Civil War was a war fought in various places throughout the United States from 1861 to 1865. Over 23 7- named battles were fought and a couple famous ones being the ââ¬Å"Battle of Fort Sumterâ⬠, and ââ¬Å"Battle of Palmito Ranchâ⬠. The victory was for the Union, however there was a point in the Civil War where the Confederacy was winning which left the people astonished. The Civil war was causedRead MoreKatherine Ramjit. Mr. Staccone. T2 History. April 28Th,1194 Words à |à 5 PagesHistory April 28th, 2017 Through What Events Was Slavery The Main Cause Of the American Civil War of 1861-1865 Some may argue that the main causes of the Civil War was The Missouri Compromise, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the Compromise of 1850 and or much more. There is a multitude of reasons or causes that people can argue about what really started the War. One important factor to take in account is that most events leading up towards the Civil War really revolved to slavery. Slavery can be defined as aRead MoreSlavery Cause for Civil War1483 Words à |à 6 Pagesï » ¿ SLAVERY (THE MAIN CAUSE OF THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR) US History to 1877 ââ¬â HIST101 American Military University, 26 April 2014 Many factors led to the occurrence of the American Civil War. The key issues were slavery, different political ideologies, right of the people, and economic reasons. However, the key reasons that lead to the Civil War was slavery. Slavery is touted as the main cause of the conflict between the states in the northern part and those in theRead MorePrimary Causes Of The Civil War820 Words à |à 4 Pagesand standpoints on why the Civil War had been fought but the primary reason why the Civil War started over uncompromisable differences between free Southern states and pro-slavery Northern states and their controversy over government power and slave laws. Fought during April of 1861 to 1865, the Civil War had divided the country into a frenzy against each other. In fact, a devastating 620,000 soldiers had died from accident, combat, starvation and disease, the deadliest war in American history. To addRead MoreSocial Reasons For The Civil War1348 Words à |à 6 Pages The civil war was mainly sparked by tensions between the north and the south. Both sides rarely agreed on topics and could never make a compromise. Slavery was a big reason for the start of the civil war, but the causes donââ¬â¢t end there. Although some may say that political or economic reasons started the civil war between the north and the south, political reasons were the real cause. This is because of important decisions made by the government, and the south seceding. Some believe that socialRead MoreCauses Of The American Civil War760 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Civil War was one of the most momentous and pivotal periods in U.S history. After decades of tension between the North and South over matters involving expansion, slavery, and the states rights these caused the beginning of a horrific devastating time known as the American Civil War, that lasted between 1861-1865. Within these 4 long barbaric and destructive years, it led to an innumerous amount of political, social, and economical changes for the U.S. Leaving 2.4 million dead and millions
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